"For Mary and for Dave"

Advice and Support for Carers of loved ones living with dementia in South Warwickshire
"Voluntarily working alongside medical professionals and national charities we offer additional support to families and dementia carers locally - Through our own personal experience of caring for a loved one living with dementia we both completely understand the many challenging emotions and difficulties"
Paul and Heather Dowler - Tysoe Warwickshire

Attendance Allowance Information
Attendance Allowance is not taxed, or ‘means tested’.
Income or savings doesn’t affect eligibility and it can be claimed for the person living with Dementia if a person:
• Is over State Pension age
• Needs support because of an illness/disability
• Support has been needed for at least 6 months (less if terminally ill)
• Hasn’t had a formal diagnosis of a condition
*Once you are in receipt of attendance allowance, this will allow you to claim additional support such as council tax reduction
How much is the current weekly Attendance Allowance? (as at April 24)
• £72.65 Lower rate - help or supervision is often needed during the day
• £108.55 Higher rate - help or supervision is needed during the day and night
What can Attendance Allowance be used for?
There is a choice how the benefit can be spent; it is based on the support needed e.g. helping a person stay independent in their own home.
The money could help pay for equipment, heating costs, a cleaner or support worker, meal delivery, transport for medical appointments or anything else to support someone who needs a bit of extra help.
How to claim?
• Call the Attendance Allowance helpline 0800 731 0122 requesting a form
(a successful claim will be backdated to the call date)
• Or visit the Government website here:
You may want to explain how an illness or disability affects every day tasks including personal care e.g. showering, cutting toenails or taking medications, or tasks such as cleaning, gardening or shopping. Keeping a diary for a few days, may help with completing the form by highlighting areas needing support. Attendance Allowance can be applied for on behalf of someone else, such as a friend or relative. If the situation changes the amount paid can be reviewed and increased to the higher rate if appropriate.
Carer's Allowance Information
Visit the Government website here
If you are receiving State Pension
You cannot get the full amount of both Carer’s Allowance and your State Pension at the same time.
If your pension is £67.60 a week or more, you will not get a Carer’s Allowance payment.
If your pension is less than £67.60 a week, you’ll get a Carer’s Allowance payment to make up the difference.
How it works
You could get £67.25 a week if you care for someone at least 35 hours a week and they get certain benefits.
You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for.
You do not get paid extra if you care for more than one person.
If someone else also cares for the same person as you, only one of you can claim Carer’s Allowance.
Carer’s Allowance can affect the other benefits that you and the person you care for get. You have to pay tax on it if your income is over the Personal Allowance.
How you are paid
You can choose to be paid weekly in advance or every 4 weeks.
It will be paid into an account, for example your bank account.
What else you can get
For each week you get Carer’s Allowance you’ll automatically get National Insurance credits.
You may also be able to apply for:
Universal Credit if you’re on a low income or out of work
Pension Credit if you’re over working age
grants and bursaries to help pay for courses and training
Income Support (if you get the severe disability premium and you’re on a low income)
income-based Employment and Support Allowance (if you get the severe disability premium and you cannot work)
Council tax and Dementia
If you are in receipt of attendance allowance then you are probably also eligible for a discount on your council tax.
Diagnosed Dementia is classed as a “disregard” as far as your local council is concerned and therefore it may be possible to claim a reduction of 25% on your annual council tax bill - If you are living with and caring for your loved one.
You will need:
The person living with dementia will need to be receiving Attendance Allowance and you will need a a letter from your GP confirming the diagnosis of dementia.
You will then need to contact your local council and request a form to apply for a council tax reduction - Here is the link for Stratford Council:
Visit the local authority website here
NHS continuing healthcare
Some people with long-term complex health needs (this can include dementia) can qualify for free social care arranged and funded Visit the NHS website here
Visit the NHS website here
Visit the Alzheimers Society information here
Where can NHS continuing healthcare be provided?
NHS continuing healthcare can be provided in a variety of settings outside hospital, such as in your own home or in a care home.
Am I eligible for NHS continuing healthcare?
NHS continuing healthcare is for adults. Children and young people may receive a "continuing care package" if they have needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone.
To be eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you must be assessed by a team of healthcare professionals (a multidisciplinary team). The team will look at all your care needs and relate them to:
what help you need
how complex your needs are
how intense your needs can be
how unpredictable they are, including any risks to your health if the right care is not provided at the right time
Your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare depends on your assessed needs, and not on any particular diagnosis or condition. If your needs change then your eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare may change.
You should be fully involved in the assessment process and kept informed, and have your views about your needs and support taken into account. Carers and family members should also be consulted where appropriate.
A decision about eligibility for a full assessment for NHS continuing healthcare should usually be made within 28 days of an initial assessment or request for a full assessment.
If you are not eligible for NHS continuing healthcare, you can be referred to your local council who can discuss with you whether you may be eligible for support from them.
If you still have some health needs then the NHS may pay for part of the package of support. This is sometimes known as a "joint package" of care.
You can download a current form here (Jan 24)
Benefits if you're over State Pension age
You can get a range of benefits if you're over State Pension age and you have an illness or disability. The extra money can help with the cost of your care.
Here is a very useful generic online benefit calculator website:
You may be able to obtain benefits advice plus help filling in claim forms from:
Age UK Call 0800 169 6565
Independent Age Call 0800 319 6789
Citizens Advice Call 03444 111 444
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge
Check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. You can also use this service to reapply for a Blue Badge.
You can apply for yourself, someone else or an organisation.
A Blue Badge costs up to £10 in England and £20 in Scotland. It’s free in Wales.
They usually last up to 3 years.
You must reapply for a Blue Badge before your current one expires.
If you’re replacing a lost, stolen or damaged blue badge, and it is not expiring in the next 3 months, you need to use a different service.
Apply or renew online - Click here
You’ll need a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders.
You’ll also need a photo or scan of your:
proof of identity (such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence)
proof of address (such as a Council Tax bill or government letter)
proof of benefits (if you get any)
You’ll also need to know:
your National Insurance number (if you have one)
the details of your current Blue Badge (if you’re reapplying)
Under 65 ? - Attendance Allowance is not available - But Personal Independence Payment may be
Please visit the Government Website for more information:

Note: When you apply for a Blue Badge for someone living with dementia - It is possible that you may require additional information from a NHS Health worker who is aware of your situation - This is a copy of the current form that they may be asked to complete on your behalf: (Jan 24)
Download Warwickshire CC Blue Badge form here for manual completion if preferred